WOW, MAY 14TH IN NORRKÖPING! Corporate event, so dynamic & fun! We had time to play these beautiful arias and violin pieces, and of course these show numbers too! I love it!

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April 18th

Once again together with ICE Group Event ! This time in Örebro, Sweden! Small lovely group! We gave them all we had!


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April 4th in Malmö


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Rehearsal, April 3rd


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March 23rd


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March 13th

At Skogshem & Wijk, the very special conference facility, just outside Sthlm. Very nice evening!


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March 1st

Wihlborgs 100årsjubileum! Sea U Hotel in Helsingborg! And of course showtime with Stefan & Kim! Such a nite!



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February 24th

Back in Denmark! Lovely wedding gig in Nyborg, Holckenhavn Slot!



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Feb 6th

Ett sånt härligt samarbete!

Ingen visste va det skulle bli av detta, inte ens vi! Men kul blev det!

Stefan & Kim

Stefan Arwidson-Sång, Gitarr

Kim Strandberg-Klaviatur, Fiol, Sång

Carl Adam Landström-Orgel

Ulrika Skoglund-Sång

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2024! So many exciting projects!

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